Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Its working but not perfectly

Well here is the capacitors that were stripped out most were a bit leaky and affecting the biasing on the valves. After they were all changed with new, much smaller, ones from RS Online the set actually started to work and recieve on all bands. Some of the valve bases were a bit noisy so some cleaning fluid fixed them, the volume does not seem very loud nor the receiver that sensitive.

So the next next steps are to check the IFs are tuned up and check all the voltages are now correct (I checked the values of all the resistors whilst checking out the caps)

I went to the QRP rally at Alfreton looking for Wander Plugs and a Signal Generator. I looked in all the component bins not a Wander Plug to be found but I got an Old Eagle TE-188 Sig Gen complete with its manual for a Fiver and my friend Geoff M5GAC fixed me up with some miniature coax to use with the phono sockets. I checked it when I got home (removing the case to check for faulty mains cable and dodgy electrolytics and all was ok and it produced signals ok. The next problem of course is calibration of the IF frequency, so rather than buy a frequency counter I bought a ceramic 465khz filter from an on line company I found call Electrojumble.org.uk they even list thermistors for dial lamp protection..!!

 I've added a before and after picture of the underside, now I'm just waiting for some Wander Plugs from Ebay, expensive but they save me having to modify the back panel of the set. Its turning out a little more expensive than I would like but it is certainly exercising my mind.

Re Capped